Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

"Arabian spring" Phenomenon to be discussed on Colloquium in Kiev

22.09.2011 / 989

On September, 28th, 2011 in the Islamic Social Cultural Centre of Kiev (Degtyarevskaya street, 25а) will take place a scientific colloquium "Main trends of the Islamic world against revolutions in the Arabin countries", organized by the AUASO "Alraid" together with the USO "The Ukrainian Centre of Islamic Studies"  for discussion and judgment of the phenomenon of the "Arabian spring', and also those political transformations which take place in the Middle East. All interested in this topic are invited to participation.

In the program of the colloquium there are the report of the master of Shariah sciences, Seyran Arifov, "Continuation of the analytical cycle about trends in the Islamic world"; the report of the leading scientific employee of the Branch of Asia and Africa of the Institute of Economic and International Relations of the NAS of Ukraine, the vice-president of the all-Ukraine social Organization "Institute of Islamic researches", the Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor, Vyacheslav Shved, on the topic "Muslim brotherhood" in modern political process of Egypt and the Middle-Eastern region"; and also free discussion of the above-stated topics.   The action will last for two hours and a half. After its termination for the participants will be arranged the entertainment in the best traditions of oriental hospitality.   Let us remind that this is not the first colloquium within the precincts of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Kiev. In 2007 here passed a colloquium about true understanding of Jihad.


Staff reporter


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