Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Muslims of Ukraine to pray Almighty for Rain for Africa

22.09.2011 / 893

On September, 23rd, 2011, in mosques, Islamic cultural centers and social organizations which are a part of the AUASO "Alraid", Muslims of Ukraine gathered for a Friday prayer together with Muslims of all over the world will pray to Allah for rain for the people of Africa suffering from drought.

The drought became the reason not only of foodstuffs shortages in the region what caused hunger and death from exhaustion for tens thousand people, mainly children. Inhabitants of the region started to suffer from shortage of pure drinking water. These factors increased by instability in the region, became the reason of distribution of infectious diseases. People had to leave their dwellings in hope of salvation.

Answering the request of the charitable organization in Qatar; and also in direction of the Federation of Islamic Organizations of Europe, the AUASO "Alraid" will take part in the joint action of Muslims of the world. During the Friday sermon in mosques and Islamic cultural centers of Ukraine believers will be notified on complexities of the situation in the region; and also they will be reminded of the duty of each Muslim to support the people who got into trouble financially and morally including sincere prayers for them.   Muslims of all over Ukraine will pray to the Almighty for rain; and also for the prompt safe decision of the situation in the region; and to ask that this tragedy which carries away thousands and thousands lives of the lest protected levels of population who often even have no possibility to deliver the foodstuffs collected as the humanitarian help, ends.

Staff reporter


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