Конгрес мусульман України

«Тримайтеся разом біля Аллага і не розділяйтеся!» (Коран, 3:103)

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10.05.2012 / 1002
How can young Muslims of various nationalities be consolidated with maximal benefit for their physical development, enhancement of communication skills and morality? The public organization “Ay-Nur” could find quite a lot of good means for the purpose, one of them being arrangement of annual football championships among youth teams.
It is also offers a good chance to strengthen international peace and accord among Muslim youth, as the competition engages more than 25 nations. The teams were both mono- and international. 
Prior to start of the competitions that were held on 5 and 6 May in Kyiv (on the address 12, Bakinskaya str. (school N 199)), organizers presented shirts to each of the 16 participant teams, so as team players could be easily recognized by shirt color.
Three prize places were played off; also, as organizers set enhancement of behavioral manners of young men as the main purpose of the event, a special cup was played off for the title of the best-behaved (ethical, disciplined, with excellent communication and playing culture) team.
The winning team was determined by 32 games. This time “An-Nur” cup was won by the team from Tunisia, which beat in the final game the team from Dagestan.
The cup for the best-behaved game was won by the combined team from Gabon and Cameroun. Also, the strongest player of the tournament was chosen, which was Ahmet Boudernin from Algeria.
Winner cups and valuable presents were handed by Mr.Bassil Mareei, chairman of the All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organizations (AUASO) “Alraid”, and Mr.Rakan Rabbai, chairman of the social organization “An-Nur”.
Games were arbitrated by professional referees Mr.Alexandr Kravchenko (Ukraine) and Habib Joha (Syria). 
We should remind that similar sports events have been held in other Ukrainian cities where “Alraid” member organizations are located.


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