On the bright day of Eid al-Adha (Kurban Bayram), the great Muslim holiday of sacrifice, the Kyiv Islamic Cultural Center was visited by more than 1,500 believers. The premises of the mosque and even the courtyard were filled with Muslims.
After the festive prayer, which was led by mufti of the RAMU "Ummah", Murat Suleymanov, the cultural and entertainment program began. A trampoline area, balloons, sweets, and gifts awaited the children.
Sheikh Murat congratulated his co-religionists, reminding them of the deep meaning and significance of this holiday:
“Dear Muslims, dear brothers and sisters! On behalf of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah", I sincerely congratulate you on the great Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, which symbolizes devotion to the Almighty Allah, sacrifice, and love for close ones. Therefore, we need to remember the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). All his life, he gave something for the sake of Allah. I can't help but mention the Constitution Day of Ukraine. We congratulate the Muslims of Ukraine and the whole world; we ask the Almighty Allah for peace and mercy for our country. I am asking the Almighty that Ukrainian Muslims will be able to return to their homes, and I personally - to Crimea.”
The president of the Council of Ukrainian Muslims, Seyran Aryfov, addressed those present with greetings and good wishes:
“On this beautiful day, we are filled only with positive emotions for one of the two great Muslim holidays. As we know, the first holiday is related to the first pillar of Islam, fasting in the month of Ramadan is a holiday of fasting. The second holiday is Kurban Bayram, a holiday of sacrifice associated with such a pillar of Islam as the Hajj. It symbolizes the willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the Almighty Allah. On behalf of the Council of Ukrainian Muslims, I want to congratulate the Muslims of Ukraine and the whole world on this great holiday. We rejoice on this day and try to create a festive atmosphere even though the bloody Russian-Ukrainian destructive war is still going on.”
The celebration in the courtyard of the ICC lasted for several hours. While the children had fun, the adults greeted each other and gave treats.