Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Low-income Muslim families received aid in Kharkiv

16.01.2023 / 13

Activists of the Council of Ukrainian Muslims once again distributed food kits to the in need.

The charity action took place in the Kharkiv Islamic Cultural Center. 50 kits were given to low-income Muslim families, as well as single women and men, living in a city destroyed by Russian aggression. Another 5 kits were delivered directly to the homes of Muslims with disabilities and the elderly by volunteers of the local Islamic Cultural Center.

Each kit includes flour, pasta, rice, porridge, butter, tea, etc. The package weighs 25 kilograms.

According to the action coordinator Amin al-Qasim, it is the duty of Muslims to help the in need in good and difficult times:

“Despite all the difficulties, the Council of Ukrainian Muslims, together with caring people and organizations that support charitable projects, organizes such actions and will continue to hold them. The next distribution of products is planned for the month of Ramadan, it will take place in several cities in different regions of Ukraine.”

Volunteers of the Kharkiv Islamic Cultural Center came to help a blind woman named Zaytuna - she thanks the Council of Ukrainian Muslims and everyone who cares. One of the elderly women visited by the activists gave them an ancient copy of the Holy Quran.

“We will take him to the Museum of the International Cultural Center for Muhammad Asad in Lviv”, says Amin Al-Qasim.


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