Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Maternity Is No Block For Learning The Qur’an: Kyiv ICC Summed Up The Contest

04.06.2015 / 1000

A Qur’an recitation contest for females took part on May 30, 2015. Conspicuous is the fact that two girls of six years of age spotted many teenagers, and a Ukrainian woman, who gave birth to her second child a bit above a month but still won the “silver prize” — and won it in the category “for Arabic native speakers”, not being one herself!

The participants competed in best recitation in several categories, and the prizes (I, II, and III respectively) were shared as listed below. contestants of the category “for Arabic-speaking participants” learned surah Surah 20 “Ta-Ha” (Ms.Ghana’a Taha, Ms.Tatiana Voroshilova); while non-Arabic speakers yfd their three sub-categories.

Thus, children under 12 (1 level) competes in Surah 78 “The Great News” (Ms.Noor Annajar, Ms.Iman Mohammad and Ms.Leila Chibisova); 2nd level was more complicated they had to recite Surah 44 “Smoke” (sisters Rama and Yara Annajar, Ms.Sabina Afzel, Ms.Yasmeen Shah); and third level had the most difficult task among non-Arabic speakers — Surah 14 “Ibrahim” (Ms.Ruslana Martsynishyna, Ms.Dinara Valeeva, Ms.Anisa Afzel).

Congratulations to all the prizewinners!


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