Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

New Ambassador of Malaysia highly appreciated Activity of "Alraid" Association

08.06.2011 / 999

In the course of his visit to the Islamic Social Cultural Centre of Kiev, the ambassador of Malaysia, Mister Chuah Teong Ban highly appreciated activity of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid", its contribution to formation and strengthening of the multinational Ukrainian society; and also aspiration of the Ukrainian Muslims to be an active part of the society and to unite irrespective of national origin and cultural differences.

The visit took place on June, 6th, 2011. During his stay in the Islamic Cultural Centre the ambassador got himself familiarized with various directions of work of the AUASO "Alraid".   “You carry out a very voluminous work, and I must say I am impressed. Your Organization not only helps Muslims to preserve their cultural and religious identity, but also aspires to organize and expand possibilities for realization of all aspects of life of a Muslim in the non-Muslim society. You have printing editions, Internet sites and even radio-program! It impresses”.


The ambassador also learned about life of the Ukrainian Muslims and various projects in which representatives of the Ukrainian Ummah participate.   He expressed admiration that Muslims and Christians of Ukraine, despite difficult periods of the common history, peacefully co-exist and aspire to adjust productive cooperation in different spheres of life, “They live side by side - not ten and not hundred, but about thousand years, and it very much impresses and inspires me, after all Malaysia is the country in which followers of different religions live side by side, too”.

Shariat and freedom of worship

The ambassador told about formation of religious and cultural interaction with national and religious minorities in Malaysia when after independence of the country actually from zero was generated socially, politically and economically active layer of Muslims, and this experience can be very useful for drawing.

“Islam is the state religion in our country, and it is displayed in the Constitution. However at the same time the Constitution assigns to each person right to practice any other religion freely and it makes our country strong.

People in the West often say that if Shariat will come to any country, in it there is no future for other religions. However the example of my country makes it clear that religious variety in it is provided thanks to Shariat which acts as the guarantor of the fair relation between different social groups.

Islam came to our land about six hundred years ago from the Middle East together with travelers and merchants, and this religion became a progress basis, both cultural, and scientific... This tendency remained until today - foreigners at times are surprised, when rather strictly dressed women appear comprehensively developed persons and active members of the society.

We pay a lot of attention to youth education at schools where since early age children are taught to respect differences which they find in others. We consider it very important to teach children correct understanding of it from the early age that was natural for them, and practice has shown that we were not mistaken. Besides, our officials honor the law; therefore we cannot have a situation when fixed de jure right is impossible to realize de facto.

We have a unique situation when in the secular state Shariat operates in parallel, and also there is a possibility for believing of other faiths to settle family law questions how it is ordered by their religion.

And this balance is that experience which we can share with other countries”.

Staff reporter


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