Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Sheikh Adel Al-Falah appreciates “Alraid” action on Al-Wasatiyah

20.11.2012 / 4758
Sheikh Adel Al-Falah, Deputy-Minister on Islam and Waqf Affairs from Kuwait, Director of the International Center “Al-Wasatiyah”, made an official visit to Kyiv office of “Alraid” on November, 15. There he met “Alraid” administration, departments heads and scientists of the Ukrainian Center for Islamic Studies, and learnt about their current achievements and future plans.
Sheikh was met at Kyiv Borispol airport by Mr. Yousef Hussain Al-Gabandi, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kuwait in Ukraine, Mr. Judiya Alhathal, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Saudi Arabia Kingdom in Ukraine, and by Mr.Ismail Kady, “Alraid” Deputy-Chairman.
Years long history of cooperation
Partnership relations between Sheikh and “Alraid” were established in the earliest years of “Alraid” existence: it was as early as in 1998 that Dr. Adel Al-Falah took part in the round table “Muslim Minority in Ukraine: between Theory and Practice” organized by “Alraid”. Dr. Adel Al-Falah gave very high appraisal of intellectual and moral capacities of the young public organization in that time, and after that he was promoting establishment of “Alraid” as the center for propagating Wasatiya ideas (moderateness, “golden mean”) in Islam not only among Ukrainian Muslims, but in the whole Ukrainian community.
When asked about possible opening of “Al-Wasatiyah” office in Ukraine, Dr. Adel Al-Falah said surprisingly: “Why should we open “Al-Wasatiyah” office in Ukraine where “Alraid” is performing so high?”
Sheikh Adel explains that moderateness, or “golden mean”, in Islam constitutes the religious understanding shown by the Prophet (may be peace and blessings on him). In the Holy Quran is said: 
Thus, have We made of you an Ummat justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the Messenger a witness over yourselves; (Quran, 2:143)
Sheikh Al-Falah spoke about his work in the neighboring Russian Federation, where “Al-Wasatiya” office was opened earlier this year, and even the Moscow Theological Declaration on Jihad, Takfir and Halifate Matters was issued, which is a team international theological conclusion to show the agreement (ijmaa) of the majority of Islamic scholars on these matters. 
He inquired if Ukrainian Muslims were contributing in the community life of Ukraine, if they were active participants of social projects, and he was very pleased to learn about active civil standing of local communities of the faithful and their fruitful cooperation with officials from public administrations, local self-governance, public organizations and followers (including outstanding activists) of other confessions for the common prosperity and benefit.
When talking to scientists engaged in Islamic studies Dr. Adel Al-Falah spoke out his pleasure with their in-depth analysis of the current situation and well-conceived plans for future. He spoke out the wish of more detailed learning of their works and his willingness to give competent comments on matters they were concerned with.
Dr. Adel Al-Falah left for Crimea later in the evening, where he had meetings with Mr. Mustafa Jamilyov, Crimean Tatar people Mejlis Chairman, Mr.Refat Chubarov, Mejlis Deputy-Chairman, and members of local Muslim communities.


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