Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

In Crimea Were Discussed Ways of “Fathers and Children” Problem Overcoming

28.03.2012 / 1115
On the 17th of March, 2012, the female department of the AUASO "Аlraid" in Crimea carried out training for parents on the topic “Education of children and their mutual relationships with their parents”. Nowadays this problem is very actual; after all parents are perplexed — why children do not understand them and contradict them in everything?
Parents sincerely wish their children the best; however their severity and insistence at times is perceived by their children wrongly and cause insuperable desire to act on the contrary. Persistence and manuals, let even with sincere good intention, are of no use. Adults seldom reflect on the need of their children to be heard; they are often not interested in their desires and life targets.
Arrangement of priorities
Paying to children a lot of attention in a pre-school age, parents then as if forget about them and steep in their cares at the moment when understanding and support are still necessary to the child. If in their teens they do not receive it from parents — they will search for it at different people: coevals, adults, "idols" who speak things which are close and interesting for them. Subsequently they will be guided by the judgments of these people, and if their parents have a different opinion in this respect — one should not guess long whose opinion will be chosen by the child.
It happens because we are not able and we do not want to communicate with our children, frequently justifying high employment for the sake of their blessing. But this is a two-edged sword: at first children suffer from sensation of an increasing precipice between children and parents; subsequently on becoming parents, they are terrified by its width and depth.
Example of the Prophet
And after all these problems can be avoided, if everyone will aspire to follow the best way of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), who always with patience listened to the children and was interested in their opinion on any question. He always found for them both time and a kind word, and advice — though he was more busy with cares out of his family than anybody else. Therefore, summing up the training, the gathered illustrated relationships of the last Messenger with the members of his family by several authentic hadiths. These models of behaviour are quite actual nowadays, too.
The training was finished by a collective tea drinking in the course of which the participants could discuss the received information, to share their thoughts and experience.
Staff reporter.


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