Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Muslim Organizations of Ukraine express solidarity with the people of Syria

07.02.2012 / 1116
Ukrainian Muslims together with the together with the followers of Islam all over the world express solidarity with the people of Syria, who are now going through unprecedented acts of atrocity following the nation’s demanding freedom, democratic change and an end to tyranny.
Due to these tragical events we, Ukrainian Muslim Organizations, namely All-Ukrainian Assosiation of Social Organizations “Alraid”, Religious Assosiation of Muslims of  “Umma”, All-Ukrainian Social Organization “Ukrainian Centre of Islamic Studies” and “Along With the Law” NGO have signed a Proclamation in which they express their solidarity with the people of Syria at this crucial moment and flatly condemn the continued mass bloodshed.
Successive reports paint a horrific scene of bombardment, attacks, and shootings, targeting residential areas, and the masses of Syrian men and women, especially in the city of Homs, reaping hundreds of lives every day. This city has become the symbol of high-spirited rebellion of Syrian people against the “bloody butcher’s” tyrany.
Despite the enormous will of the folk for freedom and change along with multiple appeals of the world’s leading states and politicians (including the ones from the Middle East), today’s Syrian authority persistantly cling to their fading power without showing any intent to halt this bloody approach, or respond to the voice of the people.
Syrians have massed in squares since March of last year, to demand their basic rights, and were confronted by an orchestrated campaign of murder, torture, and repression, forcing some to flee, seeking safe haven in the neighbouring countries.
Ukrainian Muslims feel immense pain for the continuing suffering of our brothers and sisters in Syria, and the high price that they are paying to secure their liberty.
We invoke the international community, Arab and Muslim world and the leading international organizations to display appropriate firmness regarding the horrific violations committed by the Syrian regime and find effective ways to influence them and make them defer their own people.
We also refer to the leaders of the Russian Federation, asking them to aknowledge the historical bankruptcy of the continued approval of Bashar Asad regime, which may  be a full discredit to Russian image in the Arab world and may have a serious negative impact for Arab-Russian traditional relations.
Ukrainian Muslims express the firm belief that a better tomorrow for Syria is only possible in terms of freedom, democracy and justice, cutting the tyrany and developing respect to the Syrian people’s will.
We underline that only multinational and multiconfessional folk of Syria can build a firm basis for peace, order, harmony and well-being for all the citizens in the united Syrian state.
AUASO "Alraid", 
RAMU "Umma", 
AUSO "Ukrainian Centre of Islamic Studies",
NGO "Along With the Law".


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