Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

"Alraid" represents to Lvov its famous citizen

07.01.2011 / 1006

On December, 17th, in
Lvov in the conference-hall of the University "
Lvov Stavropigion" took place the round table on the topic "Citizen of
Lvov who became the most valuable gift of
Europe to the Islamic world. Muhammad Asad — an outstanding Muslim thinker and figure".

The action was organized at the initiative of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid", the all-Ukraine Social Organization "Ukrainian Centre of Islamic Studies" and the management of the University "
Lvov Stavropigion".

How many outstanding Muslim figures that were born on our earth we know? Someone may recollect Ismail-bey Gasprinsky, someone from the Crimean khans, even less people will recollect Muhammad Asad, recognized not only all over the Islamic world, but also, thanks to his works, in the Western countries. The round table was initially planned as an original platform for the further studying of research of life of the Islamic thinker Muhammad Asad. Surprisingly, but only recently it was found out that the outstanding Islamic figure played an important role in the political life of Pakistan, having brought big contribution to formation of diplomacy of the Islamic world, was born in Lvov, and in Ukraine he is practically unknown.

Personality of Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss, 1900-1992) caused great interest in the circles of the Ukrainian scientists. To the meeting devoted to life and activity of Muhammad Asad were invited leading orientalists, historians, scientific, religious figures, teachers of high schools. Among which Yarema Polotnyuk, the head of the chair of oriental studies of the Lvov National Institute, Vyacheslav Shved, the candidate of historical sciences, the vice-president of the all-Ukraine Social Organization "Ukrainian Centre of Islamic Studies", Said Ismagilov, the Mufti of the RAMU "Ummah", Yaroslav Kmit, the rector of the University "Lvov Stavropigion", Vladimir Garbuzyuk, the scientific employee of the Lvov museum of history of religion, Vasily Postrileny, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the director of the Lvov Technological Lycée.

Gathered with a great interest listened to the reports of Vyacheslav Shved and Said Ismagilov in which were reflected stages of life of Muhammad Asad, his religious views, scientific works about rapprochement of the West and the Islamic world. The report of Yarema Polotnyuk on development stages of Islamic studies on Galichina in the 21 century and also performance of Vasily Postrilenov about Arabic studies in
Lvov did not let anyone indifferent.

Upon termination of performances was shown the film about life of Muhammad Asad "The Way to Makkah" directed by an Austrian George Mish in 2008.

It was decided that the first step into acquaintance of Ukrainians with life of Asad will be the search of the house in the historical center of
Lvov where the thinker was born.

Info. Department of the AUASO "Alraid"


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