Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

SEGODNYA: Ukrainian Newlyweds go to Hajj

11.11.2010 / 875

These days started the pilgrimage of Muslims (Hajj) to the most important relic — the black stone of Kaaba in Makkah (
Saudi Arabia), which every believer should bypass seven times at least once in a life-time. According to the legend, this stone was sent by God from the Heaven to Adam and Eva who stayed at that time on

This year 190 Muslims from different regions of
Ukraine will go to Makkah. Among them there will be the most numerous for the whole history of independence of
Ukraine female delegation — 39 persons. As "Segodnya" was informed in the Council of Religious Administrations and Centers of Muslims of Ukraine "Arraid", among our pilgrims there are several newly-married couples which very much wished to perform the ceremony together.
Ukraine could send even more Muslims to Makkah (our quota is 500 persons), but this trip not everyone may afford — on the average it costs $3,5 thousand.



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