"Would you like to visit a mosque with me?" I was asked by my friend. The offer sounded for me unexpectedly, but nevertheless I was interested. Ira's husband is a Muslim, and every Friday she visits... >>>
The beginning of a festive prayer in the morning of Thursday marked the termination of the Holy Month of Ramadan and approach of Eid-Al-Fitr. Thousands of Muslims all around Ukraine gathered in... >>>
By the invitation of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" on August, 12th, to Ukraine arrived three Imams from the oldest and the most prestigious Muslim university "Al-... >>>
Dear brothers and sisters!Members and employees of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" warmly congratulate you on approach of the Holy Month of Ramadan!We wish to... >>>
The best children's rest on vacation is, undoubtedly, a summer camp. It is associated with fires, fascinating games, acquaintances with new friends and the sea of emotions, remembrances about which... >>>
Social Organisation "Al-Amal" was awarded by the Donetsk city head Alexander Lukyanchenko for the special contribution to the social development of the region.On solemn presentation in the mayoralty... >>>
Honorable delegates from 56 states - participants of the OSCE - will gather in the capital of Kazakhstan on June, 29 and 30, to discuss issues of tolerance and indiscrimination in the OSCE region. In... >>>
On June, 9th, 2010, within the precincts of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Simferopol took place a round table on the topic "Experience of Interconfessional Consent in Crimea". Organizers of the... >>>
There are just few days before the beginning of the World championship on football in South Africa. Though Ukraine did not got to the final stage, the holiday of football did not avoid our capital.... >>>
In connection with a festive celebration on the occasion of opening of the Cathedral mosque in Lugansk, the head of board of the State Committee of Ukraine on affairs of nationalities and religions... >>>