At the Islamic Cultural centre of Kharkiv they decided to ring the changes to traditional Qur’an reciting contests with a new competition for Arabic-speaking students. The contestants were... >>>
Ukrainian tradition of Christian-Muslim mutual help now has another wonderful example. This time the helping hand was extended by the Protestants, who provided about 50 Muslims fled from the occupied... >>>
Players of a student football team “As-Sharab” faced the holidays of May with a victory behind: they were the strongest among the other participants of a football competition for the cup... >>>
All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organisations “Alraid” and Religious Administration of Muslims Of Ukraine “Umma” express the deepest concern about the events going on in... >>>
This was one of the suggestions voiced at the meeting with the Dnipropetrovsk region students, held by the Representative of Dnipropetrovsk Region State Administration Mr. Volodymyr Chabanov and the... >>>
“On Our Children And More” — such title could not fit better to all the topics covered by a family seminar held at Donetsk Islamic Cultural Centre on April 27. The event had been... >>>
Kyiv city Shevtchenko district Technic Liceum selects its students competitively. It was founded in 1992 in order to provide high-quality education and development of gifted youth, combining high... >>>
Muslims who attended a seminar at Kharkiv Islamic Cultural Centre on April 27 could compare themselves to the first adepts of Islam and refresh the pillars of faith in their memory. Shaikh Resim... >>>
OSCE Observation Mission For Early Presidential Elections of 2014 is concerned about the current situation in Donbass where gypsies and jews are under growing threat, so the Mission questions safety... >>>
Guests of the Female Social Organisation “Noor” were granted with a good possibility of crying out for the situation in the occupied Crimea and addressing their questions directly to... >>>