Visiting children deprived of parents’ care is always uneasy at first, for you worry if you are doing anything wrong, afraid to hurt their feelings that have already been hurt enough. And when... >>>
“Alraid” Islamic Cultural Centres are usually open for everyone, both Muslims and non-Muslims willing to learn more about Islam. However, themed events on women’s clothing are, as a... >>>
A benefit on providing the internally displaced Crimean Tatars with grocery baskets and warm winter bed sets, initiated by a German Fund “Muslime Helfen” with their Ukrainian Partners,... >>>
Muslims of Zaporizhzhya highly appreciated the experience they gained during the workshops by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project Rapid Response to Social and Economic Issues of... >>>
Three Ukrainian cities, Kyiv, Odessa and Sumy, celebrated the World Hijab Day last Sunday. Girls and women spoke of both what hijab means for a practicing Muslim and of traditional dress of different... >>>
While Islamic Centres in other cities are only working on their themed evenings for the World Hijab Day, ICCs of Zaporizhzhya and Dnipropetrovsk already held theirs. Women’s Departments of... >>>
Dnipropetrovsk Muslim community was forced to move from one place to another during the past 18 years, and their rooms can be generally described by a proverb “it's a bit tight, but all... >>>
Today’s benefit became real thanks to many people: Some poured in literally by having donated their blood for the people needing it, others, not fit to be donors themselves, helped with... >>>
Another Kyiv Muslim woman, Ms.Manal Kanoo’, successfully completed reciting the Holy Book for her hafth Bin Asim degree, having become the fifth participant of the Qur’an reciting circle... >>>
Strict jury at Qur’an recitation contest held at Kyiv ICC on the past weekend made sure Ukraine is to be represented by really worthy candidates. The jury were: Sheikh Haydar al-Hajj, a... >>>