Few people can feel the pain of the victims of genocide as much as the Ukrainians, because they were themselves subject Soviet holodomor (artificial famine) of 1932-33, as well as ethnicity-based... >>>
As the beginning of school year coincided with the feast Eid al-Adha this autumn, it was decided by Administration of the Kyiv branch of Gymnasium “Our Future” that the “First Bell... >>>
“How does it make you feel to see so many people who attended the festive prayer today?” asked one of the journalists interviewing Mufti of RAMU “Umma” Said Ismagilov. “... >>>
Another children’s summer camp “Druzhba” (Ukr “Friendship”) is over, and today the relatives received at their local railway stations the participants whose ride was the... >>>
It’s been four days since the children’s camp “Druzhba” (Ukr. “Friendship”) started, but the young Muslims’ recreation is already full of adventure and... >>>
Not only a different location (for it was the first time when the School was held in Odesa), and not even a new co-host (this year, the traditional organisators, namely CSUAUA “Alraid”... >>>
So, it’s been the third day since a group of young scouts aged 13 to 16 who volunteered to achieve some basic survival skills and try themselves living in the wild left for Carpathian mountains... >>>
There’s a good reason why VI Summer School of Islamic Studies is called International, for it really is. Participants from Belgium, Poland, Azerbaijan, not to mention many Ukrainian towns and... >>>
Thousands of Muslims came to “Alraid” cultural centres today to perform a joint festive prayer. While in most cities the celebrations were short, in Kyiv and Dnipto people had plenty of... >>>
Since the beginning of the Holy Month of Ramadan, 120 grocery baskets purchased for donations from the German Charity Fund Muslimehelfen, were distributed by “Alraid” volunteers.... >>>