Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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21.04.2022 / 46

Activists of the Council of Ukrainian Muslims distributed more than a hundred grocery packs to needy people in Kyiv.  The action took place in the courtyard of the Islamic Cultural Center of the capital and was organized with the support of the German charity fund “Muslimehelfen".  This time the products were handed over, in particular, to the representatives of the Tatar community of the city.  These are elderly women and men who have lived in Kyiv for decades and are "veterans" of the local Muslim community.

Before the event, the President of the Council of Ukrainian Muslims Seyran Aryfov reminded the audience about the tests of the Almighty and the need for patience during these testings.

"The task of a Muslim is to help the in need in good times and in bad times", said Sheikh Seyran. "Therefore, despite all the difficulties, we are holding such actions and will continue to hold them not only in Kyiv, but also in other cities and regions of Ukraine."

Each food set includes flour, oil, rice, sugar, pasta, tea.  Sausages products and chicken meat were also added to the kits during this distribution.

Just to remind, grocery packs were distributed with the support of the Council of Ukrainian Muslims in Zaporizhia, Lviv, Chernivtsi, Kamyansk, Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattia region.


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