Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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24.06.2019 / 178

Having arrived to Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre, FEMYSO executives wasted no time: after a condensed introduction, where both Alraid and FEMYSO presented their best projects and practices and exchanged some ideas, the actual training began.

The first training session was on planning and organising events. In the beginning, the participants voiced problems they thought were important for Alraid to solve. The information taught included picking the right issue to solve, and choosing the right means and the best tools of solving it. They also talked about how one can know that they aren’t growing in some project anymore and it’s time to go and do something else, in order to avoid butrouts.

Later on the audience were divided into 5 teams, with a FEMYSO trainer assigned to each one, and each team had to choose a problem from the list they’ve discussed at the beginning, and propose a detailed description of event that they thought could solve that problem. Each team then had several hours to prepare and present their project, and they were pretty good so the 6 judges had a tough time picking the best one.

As for the second training, it covered being a productive Muslim, maintaining balance in taking care of one’s physical, mental and spiritual aspects so that the person could keep being productive and avoid burnouts and decrease in faith, activity, and health.

As for providing feedback, the trainers kept it really simple, by asking the audience only three essential questions: what they (as trainers) should start, stop, and continue doing. That was their way of improving their performance while avoiding insincere answers usually provoked by detailed questions, when people just try to be polite.

Ibrahim Kraria, Head of Member Organisations & Services, insisted that the audience didn’t keep it to themselves and also shared what type of other trainings and events they needed, and ask for them as much as their needed - because it was their right as volunteers of a FEMYSO Member Organisation  to get such training. In the end, everybody agreed that more events should be coming in the nearest future, and the first one would be a training on preparing and holding campaigns.

Alraid team would like to thank Mr.Youssef Himmat (Pesident of FEMYSO), Mr.Abdelrahman Rizq (Vice President / Head of Internal development), Mr.Mohammed Adil Rehman (Chair of Board of Trustees), Mr.Ibrahim Kraria (Head of FEMYSO Member Organisations and Services), Ms.Sanaa Tabet (Head of Training and Events), Ms.Arjeta Xhomara (Head of PR and Marketing), Mr.Vullnet Selmani (Head of Fundraising), Mr.Adem Güngörmüş ( Head of Finances), Ms.Hande Taner (Head of Campaigns), Mr.Abdulsami Arjumand (Volunteer), Ms.Nadia El Faroukhi (Volunteer), Mr.Marwan Akari (FOSIS Vice President, observer) for their time, work, passion and dedication!


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