Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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06.08.2009 / 974

Crimea with support of the All-Ukraine Association of Social Organisations "Al-Raid" and some charitable organizations, in particular, the Kuwaiti House of Zakat, started realization of the project on restoration of economy of agricultural population of the peninsula numbering to 400 thousand, having constructed for them 150 hothouses.

The project head doctor Mohammed Taha considers that this undertaking allows to carry out dawaat (Islamic call), as it gives possibility to communicate with people directly, to teach them Islam and to adjust good relations with them.

Doctor Taha said that at the first stage the estimation of environmental conditions and condition of lands in the region was carried out, the target audience of the project was defined and commodity markets of vegetables and fruit were studied.

Also there were organized special training programs for the Crimean-Tatar farmers in the course of which they were told about features of cultivation of plants in hothouses.

The beginning farmers were given materials to begin works: fertilizers, seeds and so forth. All that allowed to support constant contact with the families which received the help, to call them to Islam, attaching them to religion more and more.

The President of the AUASO "Al-Raid", Doctor Ismail Kadi, informed that the project purpose is maintenance of independence and improvement of life standard of the Crimean Muslims, decision of problems of poverty and unemployment from which 60 % of them suffer.

Doctor Kadi expressed hope of success of the project which will allow Muslim farmers to appear in the market with their own competitive production which for now depends on expensive import production. Though the project realization still proceeds, already at this stage it is possible to note its achievements.

For today the hothouses are constructed in economies of 100 Crimean-Tatar families which met them with gratitude. The family of Abbass Gafarov consists of seven members. He is sure that from now he does not have to make ends meet to support his family. He prays to the Almighty that his problems are solved.

Аbbass is going to plant cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberry and garden radish as he did before he left the collective farm.

The AUASO "Al-Raid" was engaged in agricultural projects before. With its help each needy Tatar family received a cow; it was organized building of wells for agricultural needs.

By the web-site "Islam for all"


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