Final stage of the “Active Holidays” programme, implemented by Women’s Department of Kharkiv Islamic Cultural Centre during the past few weeks, ended last Sunday.
On June 7 the Centre welcomed new Muslimahs for a themed party where they could meet each other and their long-practicing sisters in faith. Two high-school girls, who preferred internal tranquillity the religion gives to modern teenagers’ free morals, were among them. Girls and women shared their stories and discussed their problems and funny situations they were involved after reverting to Islam.
Each and every person strives for happiness, which is impossible without internal harmony. The latter comes only when the person has a clear vision of their role in this life and the borders of their very wide abilities, and sees some goal in this life. Islam defines highest perfection of morals as the purpose for each person. This can’t be achieved without ground knowledge, and for that reason the programme of educational lectures was introduced to the new Muslims. They were invited for the lectures at “Al-Manar” ICC and given a free sample of Qur’an with a Tafseer each in the end of the day.
This wasn’t an only event within the framework of the “Active Holidays” programme: participants of “Al-Masar” women’s department have earlier facilitated two events for the Children’s Day (entertainment for children, educational for their parents) and an event for the Mother’s Day, with acting, songs, rhymes declamation by children, while their mothers were involved in different intellectual and sport contests.