Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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14.01.2015 / 777

One of the AUASO “Alraid”’s main principles is keeping up with the times, striving for a more effective interaction with the society and carriage of the timely decisions.

We decided that it’s time to renovate our website, to make it meet the modern standards and become more user-friendly. It was our informational project that has been a source of information about the Ukrainian Muslims’ social initiatives (with ability of joining them regardless of your religion), a newsfeed on Muslims in ukraine and abroad, a place where historic and analitical areticles and interviews could be found.

This website shows both our compatriots and people from other countries what the Ukrainian Muslims’ aims and desires are; gives everyone an opportunity to see that our activities are clear as crystal and focused on the benefit and welfare of Ukrainian society, that we are always open for cooperation and productive dialogue.

We hope that the new website features will provide you, dear readers, with ability to use our informational resource with higher comfort, quality and ease. Looking forward to see your your feedback at


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