Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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17.12.2014 / 841
Horrific tragedies hit several places within the last couple of days, and were followed by repercussions worldwide, in Muslim communities in particular. Those were the attack at Peshawar school, where 126 people (including 84 children) lost their lives, and taking of hostages in a Sydney cafe (Australia) by a supporter of the so called ISIL (ISIS).
We, the AUASO “Alraid” and the RAMU “Umma”, vigorously condemn such action, rejected by Islamic religion, and hope that they will not ruin the fragile interfaith peace on our planet. We also pray God Almighty that the terrorist organisations, proclaiming themselves representatives of Islam for some reason and using flags with the witness of faith in one God printed on them, stopped their inhuman actions.
What can be more ugly than covering one’s will of power and eagerness to kill as many people as needed for that purpose with religion? Who are those people, who discredit Islam with their actions under the banner of “Establishing Shariah” — the same Shariah that demands punishment, up to death penalty, for their own evil acts against the society and individuals?
Ukrainian Muslim communities share the shock and horror of the people of Pakistan and Australia, both our coherents and people of other religions, due to those terrible incidents. We offer our heartfelt condolences to those injured in these attacks and their families, and pray that the Lord grants Paradise for those who were killed.


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