IV International Research and Practice Conference “Myths And Realities Of Perception Of Islam In Europe” is to take place on November 19, 2014 at the NAS Institute of Philosophy conference hall (Kyiv, 4 Trekhsvyatytelska Str, 4th floor). The event begins at 10 AM, the participants’ registration opens at 9:30 AM. Ukrainian, English and Russian are the working languages of the conference.
The facilitators, namely NAS Institute of Philosophy, Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma”, All-Ukrainian Association Of Social Organisations “Alraid”, Ukrainian Association Of Religious Researchers and Ukrainian Centre of Islamic Studies, are planning to cover the following topics: Modern tendencies of evolution of Islam in Europe and Ukraine, myth and realities of perception of Islam in Europe, functioning of Islamic Organisations and Institutions in Ukraine and the matters of homeland security, and Islamic Studies in Ukraine.
The initiators welcome researchers and everyone interested in the issues listed above.
For participation you need to email your thesis and a freeform application to ukrcid@gmail.com (indicating the title of your report, author’s full name, science degree or rank, title of University, Organisation or Institute, position, and some contact information, i.e. address, cell, business phone number, e-mail) before November 15, 2014. Please attach your thesis to your e-mail (up to 20,000 symbols).
Typescript requirements are standard: the thesis must contain author’s (authors’) full name (names) and a title written either in Ukrainian or in the language used in it. As for the structure, the text must contain a rationale, ‘Project at a Glance’, research objective, solution methods and findings as well as conclusions on academic novelty and reasonable practicality of the results. Text size is limited to 8 to 10 pages (excluding the list of references), format A4, font Times New Roman, size 14, spacing 1.5. Indents are 2 sm on the left, the top and the bottom and 1 sm on the right.
The list of references is indicated at the end of thesis in rank order (square brackets) in the language of manuscript. Please group the tables and diagrams.
In case you need more information please dial +38(044)490-99-00 (Mr.Oleh Guzik, conference secretary, Monday to Friday, 10AM to 5PM), or send an e-mail to ukrcid@gmail.com.