Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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28.08.2014 / 733

There are many different schools in Kyiv, including public, specialized and private. Each institution has its study plan, and each has its own demands for the image of a perfect teacher. Individual approach for every child is the advantage of the private Gymnasium “Our Future”, where tutoring is given in classes of 5 to 15 kids. This allows to unlock each child’s creativity.

The child learns twice more during the lesson with an individual approach comparing to ordinary public school.

Gymnasium “Our Future” unites secular education and spiritual traditions. Advanced curriculum of Ukrainian language and history comes along with the throw study of Arabic texts and the Holy Qur’an, making a positive impact on the child’s intellect. Besides, Muslim tradition always inspires to seek more knowledge, gives the idea that general education isn’t enough. This inspires the child to learn something new every day.

All the subjects necessary for successful examination for the Secondary Education Certificate are taught in the Gymnasium, and learning Arabic and English is given special attention.

Every graduate will get a State Secondary Education Certificate and will be able to continue his education in any Higher Educational Institution.

The Gymnasium offers demi-pension: halal meals and comfortable room where the child will enjoy staying during the day. After the classes are over, afterschool centre is available up to 4AM.


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