Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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10.06.2014 / 806

104 pupils of the orphanage for mentally-retarded girls received presents from the volunteers of the social organisation “Al-Masar” on the International Day for Protection of Children. Organisation’s Deputy head Mr. Ghazi Mustafa and a group volunteers brought all the necessary personal care kits for each of them, including shampoos, soaps, toothpastes, toothbrushes and other personal hygiene means.

The “Al-Masar” activists pay such visits on a regular basis, always trying to  make the girls’ day by small gifts and attention of the new people; they are interested in teh children’s everyday needs and try to help them as much as they can.

The kids were really excited, both by the arrival of guests and the presents and the song performed by Maryam Hamamah (a young volunteer who came along with the adults and took part in the pupils’ concert).

Mr. Mykhaylo Poltorak, the orphanage director, arranged a festive banquet for his fosterlings in the new canteen. He also took the guests for a small excursion and showed them the fruit garden they planted on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. He showed them their greenhouse and flower bed as well.

Ms. Tetyana Palamarchuk, the pedagogical supervisor, showed the pupils’  embroidered and beaded works. She presented the volunteers with oven clothes made by the orphanage girls.


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