Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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08.04.2014 / 1473

Personal experience and social status don’t grant happiness and mental rest. Why? It was the very same problem the participants of the Seminar at the Luhansk Cathedral mosque tried to solve on April 6.

Imam of the Mosque, Mr. Muhammad Alustaz and two psychologists (Mr. Rifat Sabitov and Ms. Tanzilya Isa) reminded of the main factors granting mental rest.

People are often self-assured: they expect their smallest efforts to give them desirable results. How many people lose firm ground when not seeing the results in the short term! At the same time, we have to remember that the one who does something good or calling for it must do everything depending on them and rely upon God’s will, as it’s upon Him to decide every success and failure.

The conflicts are often caused by our uprate demands to people around us and inability of being grateful to God Almighty for what we have and appreciate it. The opposite can lead to another extremity, when one does nothing and just sits and waits, as if it is of godliness and relying upon the Lord’s will, which is not so. The Success formula is simple: “Dream — Dua — Action”. On can rely upon the God’s will only having fulfilled these conditions, and expect their plans to come true and their intentions to be successful.

Besides, it’s necessary that the everybody constantly develop their mind, free it from stereotypes prevailing in the society, continue self-education. This expands the horizons, and the person just has no time to be depressed: they see new opportunities and new ways of achieving new goals, and make their each day by being successful in something.


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