Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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16.11.2011 / 1487

On November, 6th, 2011, (10 Muharram, 1432 AH) Muslims of the whole world celebrated the second great religious holiday - the holiday of sacrifice, Id al-Adha (Kurban-Bayram). As usual, in the mosques, Islamic cultural centers and social associations entering the union of social organizations "Аlraid" in all regions and cities of Ukraine there were organized actions and programs which lasted in the course of four days.

Pleasure of a prayer and worldly pleasure


The holiday started for the believers with preparation for visiting a mosque. In solemnly decorated mosques, Islamic cultural centers and prayer rooms of Islamic communities collective festive prayers took place. For them gathered ten thousand Muslims of Ukraine together with their families.

After the prayer Imams proclaimed sermons devoted to value of the day of Id al-Adha and its ceremonies which include pilgrimage (Hajj) in the Holy Mosque in Makkah and prayers-dua’ for the unity of Muslims and their firmness in their religion.

This event was not ignored by domestic mass-media (some tele- and radio stations and printing editions) which shined and broadcasted it on the whole territory of the country in which among 46 million people the quantity of Muslims makes about 1.5 million.

Then believers congratulated each other on this great holiday, gathered in halls and on external platforms of mosques and Islamic centers where festive entertainment and listening of nasheed, and also games, competitions and attractions for children were organized.

Concerts and games

Islamic centers and communities of some cities held concerts for Muslims. On them there were represented nasheeds, plays, comedies, national games and competitions in the Arabic, Russian and Ukrainian languages. Children from children's clubs of the AUASO "Аlraid" actively took part in games and competitions. Young Muslims in some regions, above all the rest, could go skating and jump on a trampoline.

The festive program for children is carried out annually. According to the chairman of the AUASO "Alraid", doctor Ismail Kady, organization of the holiday for children is a special care of the Association, after all little Muslims should feel to the full the pleasure and festive mood of these days and not to feel deprived in comparison with the children of other confessional accessory.

The pleasure of celebrating of two main holidays for Muslims - Id al-Fitr and Id al-Adha - is one of the factors leading to children love to Islam and making these dates special for young Muslims since their youngest years.

“Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you.” (The Holy Quran, 22:37)

Besides, specially generated at the Islamic cultural centers and mosques committees organized fund-raising on purchase of sacrificial animals and their slaughtering according to the example of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and within the limits of local traditions - that performing by Muslims of this religious instruction would not cause hostility to them and Islam by representatives of other faiths.

On the donations collected in all cities were purchased about 500 sacrificial animals which meat was spread to their owners, and also to thousands of poor, needy Muslims all over the country. Moreover, sacrificial animals were purchased by the believers in private order, too.

Especially considerable this action was for the Crimean peninsula where reside about 500 thousand Muslims, mainly the Crimean Tatars, which majority belongs to the lower-income strata.

Happiness for each home

Communities of Muslims and Islamic cultural centers of the AUASO "Аlraid" aspired to organize these holidays so that to bring happiness to hearts of all devout Muslims of Ukraine, and also to help them to keep and develop their originality within the limits of cultural variety of our country.

Doctor Ismail Kady emphasized that the AUASO "Alraid", Islamic centers and communities of believers direct official references to schools and universities that the administration of these educational institutions gave possibility to their Muslim students to be present on celebrating, to perform collective prayers in mosques and to exchange visits and that these references basically meet understanding at management of these institutions and requirements of Muslims are met. Doctor Kady expressed his separate gratitude for this.

Guardianship over orphans and the needy

Doctor Kady also paid attention to special campaigns carried out by the AUASO "Alraid" before, at the time and after the holiday in the remote villages where poor Muslim families live. They are urged to take part in a collective festive prayer and to bring their family members that the whole family was present on celebrating. Also among inhabitants of such villages distribution of meat of sacrificial animals is carried out.

Master of Shariah sciences, the head of High Medrese of Hafiz in Crimea, Sheikh Seyran Arifov, told about special attention given to 1800 orphans, being under the guardianship of the Association in this region. To families which bring up orphans, except distribution of meat of sacrificial animals material aid was also rendered. Means for this purpose were donated by private persons and charitable organizations – on the territory of Ukraine and abroad.

The Mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah", Sheikh Said Ismagilov, emphasized the role of such campaigns in strengthening of relations of Muslims with their religion, shaping their culture of mutual aid and support, attentiveness to problems of the near and neighbors - despite all cares and difficulties of life; are a part of practical embodiment of religious education of Muslims.

Festive prayer in the Islamic Cultural City Center of Donetsk

Festive prayer in the hall rented by the organization "Faith (Al-Iman)" in the city of Zaporozhye

Festive prayer in the Social Organization "Al-Mustakbal" in the city of Dnepropetrovsk

Premises of the Social Organization "An-Nebras" were filled by Muslims of the city of Lvov

Muslims of the city of Sumy congratulate each other on the holiday of Id al-Adha in the prayer hall of the Social Association "As-Sadaka"

Sweets on celebrating of Id al-Adha in the city of Kharkov

The group "Al-Kelima At-Teiba" in the Social Association "Al-Manar" performed nasheed at the festive concert for the Muslims of Kharkov

Members of the Social Organization "An-Nur" during the festive sacrifice in Kiev

Members of the Social Organization "As-Sadaka" during the festive sacrifice in Sumy

Festive prayer in the mosque of Islamic Cultural City Center of Vinnitsa

Festive national dances, the Islamic Cultural Center of Vinnitsa

Distribution of sacrificial animals to orphans and the poor Muslims of Crimea

Information Department of the AUASO "Alraid"


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