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At the session of the OSCE which took place in Vienna the governments of the countries-participants were urged to reject pressure of intolerance displays in relation to Muslims in public dispute, thus observing the principle of freedom of speech. Otherwise - the experts warned - the society may face very serious consequences.
In the conference organized by the OSCE present chairman - Lithuania - together with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) which took place on October, 28th, 2011, participated almost 150 delegates. Among them there were media experts, representatives of a civil society and political circles from the countries of Europe.
Ukraine was represented by the head of the Information Department of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid", Oleg Guzik. The participants of the conference were unanimous that it is necessary define the terminology, both at the legislative level, and at the applied in public dispute by mass-media and by politicians. Intolerant treatment of Muslims became that reality which one faces in many spheres of life. Islamophobia is a separate form of discrimination
Islamophobia which is warmed up by radical right movements of different countries nowadays became the separate form of discrimination on religious ground, and now in rhetoric of representatives of these movements it is possible to see parallels in history with premilitary Europe when for all their troubles the Europeans blamed the Jews. Consequences of such policy is well remembered by all; these attempts to pit among themselves the Muslims and the Europeans of other religions should be fought, until such unreasoned activity hasn't born its bitter fruits. "Unfortunately, when the Muslims are exposed to insults, we see too weak response of representatives of a political management and mass-media", the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Lithuania, Evaldas Ignatavičius, stated.
The deputy minister emphasized that for eradication of "this mean version of infringement of human rights" one should adjust continuous process of open polemic, to introduce necessary laws, to develop long-term curriculums and to raise public awareness. "Propagation of hatred, animosities and prejudices concerning certain groups on the basis of their ethnic, national, religious accessory or other features contradicts basic values of the European community", the secretary general of the organization, Lamberto Zannier, stated. He added that this transnational phenomenon demands collective efforts and cooperation at the international and regional levels.
According to the representatives of the AUASO "Alraid", in Ukraine, fortunately, there are practically no essential reasons for Islamophobia development, however there are imposed stereotypes and moods from the outside. First of all, a considerable role is played partly by the common information field with Russia where there are serious problems. Discussion of these problem points in Russian mass-media in Ukraine frequently become the reason of generation of fears and stereotypes concerning Muslims. It also paves the way to different speculations around Islam and Muslims. Importance of education The director of the ODIHR, Janez Lenarčič, above all the rest, emphasized the importance of education system for "climate creation, in which a variety will be perceived not only with tolerance, but also will be appreciated".
He urged the participants to add to the arsenal published by the ODIHR, the Council of Europe and UNESCO the brochure under the title "Manual for figures in the sphere of education on struggle against intolerance and discrimination concerning Muslims: solution of the problem of Islamophobia by education". In this document which is the first in its kind, characteristics of displays of intolerance concerning Muslims are resulted, and also practical guidance on overcoming of this problem in the education sphere is given. The action became the third and the last among the similar summits organized this year by the Office for Democratic Institutes and Human Rights together with the Lithuanian management of the OSCE. In March in Prague the conference devoted to the problem of anti-Semitism in the system of public representations, ideas and values, took place. In September there took place the conference in Rome, which mentioned the problem of crimes on the ground of hatred to the Christians. Staff reporter.