Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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15.08.2011 / 953

On Thursday, August, 11th, 2011, in one of halal restaurants of Kiev took place a diplomatic iftar, organized by the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid". To the action were invited ambassadors of the Islamic states, and also a number public secular persons and clergy.









Moreover, the iftar was visited by the representatives of national communities, scientists-orientalists, and some interested in the issues of Islam and Muslims public figures. In total for the meeting gathered more than 70 persons.

It is not the first similar action; diplomatic iftars are carried out annually every Ramadan — since the year of the organization foundation. The purpose of its carrying out is maintenance of contacts with diplomats and officials for advantage of the Ukrainian Muslims, and strengthening of relations with each other.

In the beginning of the evening the gathered watched a presentation video about activity of the AUASO "Alraid", and also a video about life of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kiev during Ramadan.

At the sunset fasting participants of the action in common broke fasting, and then performed a collective prayer. Already later, at the supper, the issues concerning Islam in Ukraine, its spread and development of the infrastructure and difficulties which are being overcome on this way were discussed; and also problems and complexities which Muslim migrants arriving on the territory of the country sometimes face.

In the end of the evening the chairman of the AUASO "Alraid", doctor Ismail Kadi, addressed with the speech in which he thanked all the gathered that they have found some time in their more than just busy schedule to meet for the blessing of Ummah; and also wished peace, well-being and prosperity to their countries, prompt and the most painless decision of local conflicts in the Middle East for the sake of building of the best future for all citizens of these countries.

Staff reporter.


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