Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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05.12.2012 / 2745
Like other members of the All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organisations “Alraid”, which usually arrange such events in big cities of Ukraine, the Social Organisation “Al-Manar” from the city of Kharkiv organized meeting of newly coming students from Muslim countries on December 1, 2012. Prior to entering the HEEs they have to pass the preparatory training course (preparatory faculty). 
Meetings like this are arranged annually. They are needed because of the flow of Muslim students to Ukraine who believe that training and education in Ukrainian HEEs is a good investment. Kharkov with its multiple universities and HEEs is essentially one of the key education centers of Ukraine.
The event was attended by more than a thousand of students coming recently to study at the preparatory training course (preparatory faculty), and by representatives from several HEEs. Newcomers’ compatriots who are undergraduates of these HEEs came to share experiences with them and offer help. The help is truly needed by foreign students, as one can easier adapt in a host country when there’s somebody nearby who speaks one’s native language and the language of the host country which one begins to study; somebody who can help in meeting one’s daily, cultural or religious needs and explain him/her peculiarities of local mentality and culture. 
The organizers reminded students in welcoming speeches about the importance of preserving their own religious and cultural identity in a distinct ethnic and cultural environment along with becoming an active and useful member of the community that hosts foreign students for the training period. They didn’t forget to mention the importance of diligence in learning in spite of temptations for idle behavior due to far distance from home and absence of family control.
Mr.Bilal Hamza, “Al-Manar” chairman, wished the students success in their study, adaptation to the new environment, good and worthy friends. Also, he stressed upon the willingness of “Al-Manar” staff and activists to offer help and support in a wide range of everyday problems.
Mr.Bilal Hamza called the students to be diligent in training and demonstrate in everyday life excellent qualities from among the ones bequeathed by the Prophet Muhammad to his followers, in order to show the beauty of Islam to surrounding people. 
Also, the event participants could visit a small improvised concert and a play organized by “Al-Manar” activists.


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