Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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27.07.2012 / 1126
Translation and publication of the book by well-known Islamic scholar and journalist Adil Salahi “Muhammad: a Human and a Prophet” has been made by “Ansar Foundation” publisher as part of the action “Mercy for the Worlds” on introducing public to the life of the Prophet Muhammad (may be peace and blessings on him), which was joined by the AAPO “Alraid” several years ago. Translation to Russian took three years.
This edition is interesting not only due to bibliographic data that can be extracted from other sources, but, first and foremost, to interpretation of facts, being relevant to our time and sound from the Shariah perspective.  
The book can be useful and educative for non-Muslims as well, as it is written in understandable and popular language, with abundant details and explanations, extensive commentaries and terminology definitions.
Destination point for the first circulation of 1000 copies has already been defined: they will be sent to libraries of Islamic cultural centers of “Alraid” and its incorporated public organizations, as well as to public libraries and universities in various Ukrainian cities. In addition, the book will be displayed on web-site “Islam for everyone”, under the heading “Books”. 
It is not the first book of  “Ansar Foundation” publisher devoted to biography of the Prophet (may be peace and blessings on him), as it published its Russian translation of the book “Life of Muhammad (may be peace and blessings on him)” by Tahiya Al-Ismail in 2009.
Adil Salahi is an outstanding Islamic scholar of modernity, a human who devotes much time to the cause of Islamic call and refutation of false stereotypes about Islam. He has launched a series of short programs about the life of the Prophet Muhammad on Syrian radio, which were a success with the audience. Later, when staying in U.K., he found that many non-Muslims knew too little of what the Prophet Muhammad really was. This ignorance prevents from establishing public tolerance, which showed up even more explicitly after the events of September 11, 2001.
This led Sheikh Adil to the conclusion about the need to write a detailed and popular book about the life of the Prophet Muhammad. The book “Muhammad: a Human and a Prophet” was the result of his noble effort, which immediately drew attention and had highly positive judgment of readers.


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