The RAMU "Ummah" in the name of the chairman of the Muslim religious community "Duslyk" – Husnutdinov Rustam and the AUASO "Alraid" in the name of the head of the Donetsk Islamic Cultural Center, Isa Hamza, took part in the "Round table" which was carried out on the 9th of February, 2011, in the Institute of Industrial Economy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the topic "International consent in the context of dialogue of the power and the society".
The "Round table" was organized by the international social organization the Platform "Dialogue Eurasia", the chair of the international economy and administration of the
At the session of the "Round table" were discussed issues of the role of social organizations, educational institutions and other structures in education of international and cultural tolerance, ability to build relations and to conduct meaningful dialogue between the parties of social interaction, development of the international economic cooperation through international understanding.
In the work of the "Round table" took part the leading experts of
By the site "Islam in Donbass"