Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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13.02.2011 / 788

Dear Russians!

Grief and indignation filled our hearts when we learned about the terrible crime made yesterday in the Domodedovo airport. Tens were killed and hundreds of innocent people were crippled.

We resolutely condemn this brutal certificate directed, in our opinion, on kindling of international and inter-religious hostility in the Russian society.

We are sure that the criminals who made this evil deed, are deprived of nationality and religion. For all world religions resolutely condemn terrorism, murder of innocent people in political aims. The Holy Quran equates murder of one innocent person to murder of the whole mankind. The human life in Islam is regarded as the highest gift of God.

We call Russians of all nationalities and creeds in this difficult period to keep endurance, calmness and not to give in on provocation of the forces, aspiring to cast your country into contention and chaos abyss.

We, Muslims of Ukraine, send our deepest condolences to the brotherly Russian people, and also victims, their relatives and families.

Press centre of the AUASO "Аlraid"


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