In the conditions of globalization of information streams and fast distribution of new information technology Ukraine should adequately react and adapt to similar transformation of social life so the bases of new media which would properly represent Ukraine on the international scene, will positively influence further policy of Ukraine directed on preservation of its own identity and national interests, entering of the state into the world information field.
Idea and creation purpose
Before founders of the Center there was a problem of creation of the Ukrainian-Arabian information resource which could tell about
Information-analytical centre "Аlraid" will play an important role in formation of public opinion, distribution of the information on the major political, social and economic, religious and cultural processes occurring in
Production of the IAC "Alraid"
Information-analytical centre "Аlraid" is the Arabic-language resource representing the information on
Monthly information-analytical newspaper serves as means of informing of the Arabic-language population of
Tendencies of development and subsequent place of the IAC "Alraid" in the Ukrainian-Arabian relations
The information-analytical centre "Аlraid" aspires to strengthening of friendly relations between
IAC "Alraid" sees
By the press-service of the IAC "Аlraid"