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In these hard times for Muslims, when success is measured by the quantity of money, subordinated, techniques novelties, from pages of the Holy Quran sounds the reference, "Truly he succeeds that purifies it (soul)…"
The All-Knowing and Omniscient Allah specifies that success, and behind it soul rescue, consists in its preservation in protogenic cleanliness, in saving from distempers of low carnal desires, having submitted it to the Will of Allah. Such is the true purpose of life of each separate person, whether he is a man or a woman, if he aspires to rescue of soul by means of its purification.
From April, 30th, till May, 5th, the AUASO "Alraid" organized a cultural-educational female seminar. About 50 Muslims from
The chairman of the all-Ukraine Committee on Family and Women of the AUASO "Alraid" Fatima Amrulaeva comments, "Soul purification first of all is very important for those who preach Islam".
"Much depends on us as we tell another people about what we know. And in the view of set of negative events which are connected with Muslims, our task is to break existing stereotypes and to prove that Islam is religion of peace and the good",
Ismail Kadi, the chairman of the AUASO "Alraid", states.
How each of us can purify a soul for such an important task?
The greatest example in it for Muslims is, certainly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). To deepen one's knowledge about him, to follow him and to love him is the task of modern Muslims. Sent as blessing for all people, he was distinguished by exclusive kindness to all. After all, "If thy Lord had so willed, He could have made mankind one people". Whether our soul is pure enough not to perceive variety and disagreements as an occasion to divisions? And what if it takes place in a Muslim society?
"Both in the Universe, and in the religion, Allah established an optimum order, a middle way - "al-wasatyya"- which infringement leads to irreversible consequences", Seyran Arifov emphasized. Emergence of extreme views in religion is caused by ignorance and soul predilections which prevent to reconcile to existence of a different point of view. "Disagreements are inevitable. The problem is what arises in hearts during disagreements", he adds.
To supervise what arises in heart is rather difficult. It is a part of self-education in which each person should be engaged. Often because of lack of knowledge, excessive attachment to worldly life, feelings of laziness, self-education as a part of the process of purification of soul is missed. But importance of it is not to overestimate. After all, among everything other, on it depends rescue of a person and the one who observes it, could be guided to the right path. We are not deprived of support. According to Abu Hurayra (may Allah be pleased with him) the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Allah the Almighty said: If the servant draws near to Me a hand span, I draw near to him an arm’s length; and if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a fathom’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I come to him running".
The content and the help of Allah as it was with prophets, becomes compensation for our efforts. "The success of prophets depended on patience and ability to endow something", Tareq Sarhan, the head of the Department on Islamic Culture of Social Organisation "An-Nur" emphasizes.
It reminds also that the big error is to separate religion from other spheres of a life. "Islam is the message for all times, for all people, for the complete person (including soul, mind and body), and also for people, irrespective of sex, age and other characteristics".
Everyone has his role in Islam. Her own role has the woman, aspiring to follow the footsteps of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
From the very beginning organizers of the seminar strived to strengthen sisterly bonds and to raise the level of faith. Was it accomplished? It will be seen in due course, but, judging by statements of participants of the seminar, all are willing to embody into life everything heard and to ask Allah that such actions were carried out henceforth!
Special correspondent.
Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"