The Conference slogan was the phase “the more communications, the better is mutual understanding”. The Conference was proceeding in friendly atmosphere inclining to dialogue. Participants... >>>
The International Conference “Trends and Prospects of Contemporary Geopolitical and Religious Processes: Theory and Practice” was held on the territory of Crimean peninsula (Ukraine). It... >>>
The Scientific and Practical Conference “Significance of Scientific and Intellectual Legacy of Muhammad Asad”, held in the conference hall of the Institute for Oil Transport and attended... >>>
Female visitors of Saturday school at the Islamic Cultural Center of “Alraid” in Simferopol could put themselves to test at Koran contest for women, held on May 11, 2013. The participants... >>>
Round table for teenagers “Names of Allah” was undertaken by the Women’s Public Organization “Nur” on May, 4, 2013. Seven participants submitted the reports to listeners... >>>
This seminar was held on April 27, 2013, as part of the family cultural and educative caravan organized by the Donbas unit of the All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organizations “Alraid... >>>
The tournament on mini football, started in Odessa on May, 3, 2013, will last till May, 10. The Islamic Cultural Center in Odessa has been organizing this competition for eight consecutive years now... >>>
Children are a greatest mercy granted to us by the Most High. Will we be able to protect from harm not only the bodies of the jewelries that we entrusted but their morals and purity of soul? This... >>>
A family seminar hosted by “Al-Amal” organization on April 21, 2013 in the Islamic Cultural Center (Donetsk) drew attention of Muslims from other cities of Donbas region, like as Lugansk... >>>
The All-Ukrainian action “Making Ukraine clean” was held on April 20, 2013, when dozens of thousands people in more than 250 localities were cleaning parks, squares and forests, to... >>>