Many events for the youth have the same problem: the actual youth have the passive role of spectators and listeners, while lecturers, at the best case five to ten years older, share their own... >>>
On November 13014, the threshold of the Tolerance day, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights facilitated a Training on Hate Crimes in Kyiv. Ms. Olha Fryndak, Deputy Head of Female... >>>
III International Research and Practice Conference “Al-Wasatiyyah Principle In Islam” initiated by AUASO “Alraid”, RAMU “”Umma” and Centre for... >>>
Billboards with public service advertising developed by the Association “Alraid” Department on Family Affairs can now be seen along the streets and tracks in Crimea. There are posters in... >>>
The “Al-Masar” social organisation never wait for a special date to offer help for those who need it — they have regular benefits all the year round.
Those benefits also last... >>>
Those benefits also last... >>>
The participants of the five-day Second International Summer School for Islamic Studies (launched on June, 29 in Crimea) went home on July 4. The School was organized and promoted by AUASO “... >>>
On June 11, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) made a routine attempt to establish connections between the governing bodies and the NGO’s in preventing legal extremism along... >>>
A number of annual mini-football competitions were held during the whole month of May in the cities of Ukraine. AUASO “Alraid” tempts the youth to healthy and sporty life by organizing... >>>
The charitable fair “Blagofest” (festival of good-doing) was organized on May 26, 2013, in the Day of Kyiv, to collect money for purchase of special bicycles for children with infantile... >>>
One of the problems dealt with at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Significance of Scientific and Intellectual Legacy of Muhammad Asad” held on May 16, 2013 was... >>>