The answer is — the futsal (arena football) championship held within the framework of events in his honour. The finals took place on April 26 in Rodnikovoe village (Crimea) among the peninsula’s high school students. This competition had been facilitated by the Crimean Tatar Mejlis and Youth Social Organisation “Emel”.
Summarising the results of 10 competing teams (that had won the district qualifiers earlier), the first prize was awarded to the the team of Evpatoria School #18, team of Sary Su (Belogorskii District) received the second prize, and the team of Maiskoe Town School (Jankoy district) got the third place. All the prize-winners received certificates, medals and valuable prizes, and the winners took the Champions Cup back to their hometown.
Mr. Seidamet Ahyaev, member of Crimean Tatar Mejlis and Head of the Mejlis Youth and Sports Department, stressed the importance of different sports events promoting more healthy youth and developing sound competition. He also thanked the Youth Social Organisation “Emel” for its input in promoting healthy livelihood among the youth.
Mr. Muslim Dervishev, Head of “Emel”, reminded that the healthy youth is a guarantee of a healthy nation. For that reason, he said, “Emel” activists constantly initiate holding different sports competition from the very dawn of the Organisation’s existence.