In Association Summed up Past Year

In Association Summed up Past Year
On Saturday, January, 29th, the chairmen of social organizations-members of the AUASO "Alraid" and heads of departments gathered on annual General meeting, on purpose to sum up the last year.
Members of the general meeting serially assorted the passed stage of work of each of the departments, discussing achievements of "Alraid" in this or that field of activity.
In the opening address the Chairman of the Association emphasized that the performed work, the reached purposes and the carried out problems are based on cleanliness of idea which bears in it "Alraid", and sincerity of its members.
It is necessary to note, elections of the chairman and the executive committee of the Association pass one time in two years. And at the core of the Association work lays the five years' strategic plan.
Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"