Activists of the Ukrainian Muslimahs League and the Council of Ukrainian Muslims visited Crimean Tatar migrant families in the Vinnytsia Region.
According to the deputy head of UML, Siuzana Isliamova, the main purpose of the trip was to bring gifts to the children for the Eid al-Fitr holiday. Before the war, up to 70 children, including orphans, lived here. Now in Kalynivka town, where the Crimean Tatars live compactly, remained about 45 children.
“Despite the difficult social situation, these families adhere to the moral precepts of Islam, in the same spirit they raise their children, they engage with the little kids. It is noticeable that the sisters lack communication,” - noted Siuzana Isliamova.
Amal Tkachenko, the head of the women's social organization "Maryam" and one of the coordinators of the trip, said that the children of the migrants go to the town school, and the families have good relations with the local community:
“After the start of the full-scale invasion, many families left this settlement, including children from low-income families. For some time, they stayed in Turkey, but after a few months they returned to Ukraine.”
Activists of UML brought sweet treats, educational games and books to the children.
Communication with children was part of the program. The volunteers offered them games and held a quiz. The children were happy to have guests, and their parents thanked the organizers of the visit.