On March 25, in the Islamic Cultural Center of Kyiv was distributed about 200 food kits to low-income families. The action was made possible due to the partnership of the Council of Ukrainian Muslims and the German charitable foundation MuslimeHelfen.
Help was received by forced migrants, low-income Muslim families, large families and lonely elderly people.
Each grocery set contains basic necessities: pasta, flour, rice, sugar, oatmeal, oil, tea, stew, etc.
Director of the Islamic Cultural Center Ismail Kady, recalling a famous hadith, says:
" ‘Whoever gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will have a reward like theirs, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest.’ We, together with the activists of ICC of Kyiv, are trying to extend a helping hand firstly to those in need.”
In general, during the month of Ramadan, the Council of Ukrainian Muslims, together with several public organizations, plans to help at least 1500 families.
“Actions will take place in Kyiv and in other cities of Ukraine where Islamic cultural centers of the Council operate. The next food aid is planned for the last ten days of the holy month,” concludes the head of the capital's ICC.
Despite all the difficulties and the war with the Russian occupier, which is raging on Ukrainian lands, the Council of Ukrainian Muslims, together with concerned people and organizations, implements the planned charitable projects, standing on the positions of protecting the territorial integrity of our country and its independence.