It’s the last day of Ramadan, and tomorrow Alraid Islamic Cultural Centres will gree the parishioners and guests with a special Eid al-Fitr holiday programme. Please note that this year’s zakatul-fitr, or sadaqatul-fitr, is UAH 100 per person, and should be paid for every family member, young and old, regardless if they were fasting or not, before the Eid prayer begins.
The local Islamic Cultural Centre is to hold 2 days of celebration. On 4 June, the festive prayer begins at 8:00, but it is better to come at around 7:00 is you’re willing to participate in joint takbir. After the prayer, treats will be served for both the parishioners and the guests; kids will be given presents and a chance to explore bouncy castles. The Administration encourages to bring along your friends and family!
On the following day, the feast is to continue downtown, at Taras Shevchenko park, where the celebration of Kyiv East Fest will last from 11:00 till 19:00. The guests will find real oriental fairy-tale amidst everyday city life, seasoned with practical lectures (on how a Ukrainian girl spent a whole year living and studying in Qatar; how to have business with Arabs; on Zero Waste lifestyle; on calligraphy and drawing on water (these two are with master-classes!)
Separate locations will represent Crimea and Crimean Tatars, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Malaisia, Turkey, Karachaievo-Cherkessia, Palestine, and a general location representing overall African continent.
Delicious goodies and coffee brewed on sand, women’s pavilion, children’s zone, photo area (with costumes!), traditional dances of the Crimean tatars and oriental peoples, flip-books, paintings and photo exhibitions, fair, modest fashion show, mehendi, and even drummers circle!
This Islamic Cultural Centre is also the one to hold a two-day celebration. On Tuesday, Dnipro ICC will host the collective takbir session, and the Eid prayer will start at 8:00. As early as at 8:30 the guests will be served treats, and the little ones will get presents, cotton candies, and will have animateros and a bouncy castle at their disposal.
On the following day of 5 June, there will be a celebration at the centre of the city’s Lazar Globa park between 18:00 and 20:00. The programme includes nasheeds, free amusement rides for kids, animators, Arab folk dances, photo exhibition, Mehendi, and, of course, traditional treats of different Muslim peoples.
People are welcome to participate regardless of their faith.
Eid prayer at Odesa ICC is to begin at 8:00. Afterwards, there will be treats for everyone, and animators, gifts and sweets for the kids.
At Kharkiv ICC, Eid prayer is to begin at 7:00, with full breakfast served for women and kids, and coffee with sweets served for men afterwards. For the Centre’s young guests, there will be presents and a team of animators.
The Vinnytsia Muslims will traditionally share their joy of the holiday with orpans, so after the Eid prayer (begins at 8:30), treats for everyone and children’s programme (animators, sweets and gifts) they will head for Tulchyn, to pay pupils of a local orphanage a visit.
At Sumy Islamic Cultural Centre, the Eid prayer starts at 8:00. Afterwards, there will be a quiz for the guests, and the kids will get their presents and join the adults at the treats with tea and coffee (with coffee only available for adults).
At Zaporizhzhia Islamic Cultural Centre, the Eid prayer begins at 8:00, while joint takbir begins at 7:30. After the prayer, kids will be given presents; there will be a quiz, a women’s programme, and treats (with sweets, of course).