Book Festival “Green Wave” in Odesa demonstrated that Ukrainians and Turks were neighbours not only on the world map, but also on a book mount. “Islam in Ukraine: the Past and the Present”, “Ukrainian Muslims: from Maidan to ATO”, Ukrainian translations of works of prominent Islamic Scholars, like “Islam Overview”, “History of Qur’an” and “Goals of Shariah”, first Ukrainian textbook “Islamic Studies”, etc, printed with the help of CSUAUA “Alraid” and RAMU “Umma”, were standing alongside the books by the Turkish Publishing House Envar Neşriyat.
Both of them presented gift editions of the Ukrainian translation of the Meanings of the Holy Qur’an (translated by Mykhailo Yakubovych): different editions were presented on both the Ukrainian and the Turkish part of the mount.
Imam of Kharkiv ICC Mosque, Deputy Mufti of RAMU “Umma” Yevhen Hlushchenko shared his impressions of collaboration with their neighbours. He particularly liked that they involved a professional calligrapher who upon the visitors’ request wrote quotes and phrases on parchment-styled paper.