On 28-29 April, Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre welcomed new Muslims from all over Ukraine.
As many Ukrainians had their last weekend prolonged until 2 May, thus making 4 days in a row, the Muslims decided to make the most of it and spent their Saturday and Sunday on the important purpose of learning the necessary basics of religion and figure out the peculiarities of the religious practice. Especially that Ramadan is coming soon, and the New Muslims always need a lot of clarification regarding this specific period of worship.
The New Muslims were assisted by the lectutrers, Seyran Aryfov, Tariq Sarhan, Alaaddin El Garbawi, Edgar Devlikamov and Yevhen Hlushchenko.
The participants’ feedback gives every reason to presume the seminar was really good.
— I really liked it. It was a great opportunity to structure my knowledge, get over my confusion in some particular things, and, of course, got a great ground-based lectures on Ramadan. The matters that I found complicated when looking into them on my own, appeared to have a simple solution. I am also very happy of having met other New Muslimahs and listened to their stories. Each of them spoke about their journey to Islam and the challenges they had to face. Of course I’d like to have more opportunities to speak to other New Muslimahs to learn from them, for many of the problems the New Muslims face are quite typical and knowing how other handled the same situations would be helpful.
— I really liked that the agenda was well-tailored; there was enough time for both lectures, questions and answers, chatting, and meals. Nobody had to rush from one location to another. I really liked the Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre and how they received us there.