Do you know Koran by heart, and want to get an objective assessment of your reciting? Or, perhaps, you are currently learning Qur'an by heart and want to know you weak points in order to avoid mistakes in the future? Thus, the annual All-Ukrainian contest of Qur’an recitations is your wonderful opportunity to approve yourself and to see the level of other reciters!
The contest will be carried out by Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah" jointly with the All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organisations "Alraid". It will be held on 5-6 November 2016 in the Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre (Dehtiarivska str., 25a).
The competition is open to all those interested, who have the citizenship (residence permit) of Ukraine or of one of the CIS countries. Please note that residents of Ukraine must pass pre-qualifying regional competitions at the local religious community in the mosque or in the Islamic Cultural Centre.
The only criterion of dividing into sections is level of knowledge, regardless age, gender and proficiency in the Arabic language. There are five levels in the competition:
The whole Qur'an (30 ajzāʼ), 15 ajzā(parts), 10 ajzāʼ, 5 ajzāʼand 2 ajzā.
The knowledge of the Qur'anic text, as well as the compliance with rules of Tajwid recitation, is taking into account in the contest. The winners will get the valuable prizes.
Hurry up to apply for the participation!
For further information please call: +38 (093) 508-53-25 (Ismail Kady).