Kyiv Women Recite The Holy Qur’an By Heart

Kyiv Women Recite The Holy Qur’an By Heart
Ms. Tetyana Voroshilova (surah “Maryam”) and Ms. Wiam Taha (Juz 29) impressed both the audience and other participants by their recitation manner at the Women’s Qur’an reciting contest held at the Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre on May 29.
Beauty of their recitation and following the rules of tajweed was noticed by the jury of Ms. Vira Fryndak and Ms. Samia Arada as well. The winners were awarded with diplomas and money prizes.
It bears reminding that the Qur’an reciting contests are held at the “Alraid” ICCs on a regular basis in order to promote learning and memorizing the Holy Book by both men, women and children. Nearest similar contests are planned for the Holy month of Ramadan which is to start on the Ukrainian Constitution day (May 28) this year.