All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organisations “Alraid” and Religious Administration of Muslims Of Ukraine “Umma” express the deepest concern about the events going on in the Eastern and Southern Ukraine, including the tragedy in Odessa on May 2.
This news about the numerous victims caused much pain and sorrow. We commiserate their families’ misfortune and grieve with them. We ask God Almighty to comfort everyone who lost their relatives or close ones, and to cure wounds of the injured people.
We make a matter of conscience to call upon the Government and Security Agencies officials to with the utmost stretch of their powers and make responsible performance of their duties. All the efforts must be hurled into consolidation of legality, law enforcement and protecting citizens. It’s vital to calm the situation and establish security in the Ukrainian society.
Appealing to our compatriots, we want to stress first of all the great value of every human life. We call upon you to save your own life and appreciate the others’, have a down-to-earth prudent thinking and not to give way to emotions. You have to understand while making a decision, that good can’t be achieved by improper methods, fair society can’t be based on violence and there can be no consent without respect for a different point of view. Blood shed. And it will shed again and again until we are strong enough to stop and arrange a nationwide dialogue aiming for reconciliation.
Dear compatriots! Focusing our joint efforts on searching adequate ways of overcoming the crisis is the only chance for us today, if we truly want to live in a state governed by the rule of law, where rightfulness and human rights are considered the greatest value. We can reach this goal, worthy of making a compromise, only if we cast back our mutual complaints and insults.
Let us pray for Ukraine and our compatriots, for a better future for us and our children!