“Emel” (“determination, strong wish” in Crimean tatar) has been founded only three years ago, but it already holds the leading position among Crimean Tatar youth organisations implementing social, sports, cultural and educational projects. It was their determination and their belief that the youth must change the world for the better which made the team so successful in all spheres of their work. Mr. Muslim Dervishev, Head of “Emel”, summarized the results for the year of 2013.
Preserving And Promoting The Crimean Tatar Language
We managed to develop our cooperation wir Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University this year. We took part in editing and distributing the almanac “Umur Kervanı”, initiated by the University. Besides, together we held the First All-Crimean Literary Contest “Altın Süz”.
It’s worth mentioning that “Emel” holds a Sunday school of Crimean Tatar language and culture since it’s very foundation. There’s a three-year curriculum, and this year we congratulate our first graduates and accepted the next beginners group.
We also joined the Association of Crimean Tatar Educators “Maarifçii” in facilitating the All-Crimean Contest on Crimean Tatar Language.
Regenerating Crimean Tatar Historical Heritage
Our partnership with Crimean University is not limited to language development projects. We also opened a “Historian's’ Club”, a students’ union which gathered everyone interested in History of Crimea in general and History of Crimean Khanate in particular. The Club is meant to preserve, popularize and deepen the study of Crimean tatar history. In December 2013 we held a research contest on Crimean Khanate.
We also implemented other historical projects. “A thousand messages heart to heart”, for instance, was timed to coincide with February 23, a tragical date for our people. We printed 1000 copies of a Yunus Kandim book “Kurultai 1917 as it was” and distributed them in the universities and places of Crimean Tatars compact settlement. We also devoted a youth seminar to the personality of the facilitator of that Kurultai, Mr. Noman Chelebijihan.
Spiritual Renovation
“Emel” is the only youth organisation to successfully implement the “Meneviy Mirasımıznı Saqlayıq” project, the main purpose of which is spiritual education of the Crimean Tatars. “Emel” activists distributed literature on the basis of Islamic Culture at places of Crimean Tatars compact settlement, facilitated and held lots of sports contests, excursions, scholastic debates, “brain-rings” and campings.
We held regular classes on the basis of Islam at Simferopol Islamic Cultural Centre, as well as two seminars on Islamic Law and a recreational summer camp.
We call the youth to be in the forefront of Crimean Tatars cultural, spiritual and material renovation, be a pillar for the nation in our returning to our roots, and at the same time say up to date. We will be happy to see new active young people among us, highly concerned about the destiny of our common Fatherland and its problems, namely social, spiritual, cultural and ecological.