The tradition of holding an opening ceremony for each term at the Sunday School of Arabic Language And Oriental Culture “An-Noor”, put on hiatus due to the construction works, wasn’t forgotten. As the construction works are in the past by now and Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre is being prepared for its solemn opening, the new “An-Noor” Headmistress Ms. Samia Erada decided to revive this tradition.
More than 120 students listened attentively to Ms. Erada telling about the teaching process, books and additional materials. When the speech was over, she awarded the top students of the previous semester.
The last-term students demonstrated that teaching here is indeed effective by telling some information about themselves in Arabic. “Everyone is in their place here,” — Ms. Anna Tereshchenko told when speaking about the teachers. — “They are always eager to give advice and help every student. They don’t bring their own problems into the classroom and are always kind and caring. That’s amazing, taking into account that they spend their own free time teaching us and don’t get payed for that!”