On December, 25th, in Kharkov in the Islamic Cultural Center "Al-Manar" took place the seminar on Shariat for active workers of female departments. Its participants could not only receive set of useful and interesting information, but also get acquainted and communicate to new Muslim sisters. Moreover, they discussed work of female departments which are a part of the AUASO "Alraid", exchanged ideas, plans, and imparted experience.
The seminar was opened by the visitor from Simferopol, Said Kadr, with the lecture about nikah. He spoke about the conditions which execution are obligatory for the wedding validity and also about what the ceremony of "nikah" actually includes. He reminded that marriage not only makes the spouses permitted for each other, but also imposes certain duties on each of them, and they cannot be neglected.
After this the director of ICC "Al-Manar", Doctor Shadi Otman, opened the topic of aqida in his lecture "Quality of the believer is a healthy aqida". In the beginning he suggested the present to reflect over the sense of sura "al-Fatiha" which each of us reads daily not less than 17 times in five obligatory prayers. Each ayat of this sura confirms Monotheism, and the last is the purpose following from it for each believer. It also confirms major attributes of the Almighty which should become a basis for unity of all Muslims of the world. After all the people can disperse in understanding those or that attributes - but not in mentioned in this sura.
People should understand the attributes of the Almighty exclusively in the way how He told us about Himself, instead of how it is convenient for us to imagine. This is the way of "salaf" and "tabiin". Doctor Otman also emphasized that even the most serious of available disagreements should not divide Muslims, after all power of our Ummah consists in its unity. During a break the participants could communicate sincerely with each other and get acquainted with new Muslim sisters.
Then Said Kadr explained the value of Madhabs in evolution of Fiqh and decision of vital questions for all Muslims; answered the question, whether it is necessarily strictly to follow any Madhab. The lecturer denied the erroneous statement that one should follow the conclusions of scholars belonging to one Madhab, for Shariat does not force us to adhere to opinions of someone from people or groups of people in everything. In conclusion, Shadi Otman and Said Kadr carried out a short lecture on the topic "Washing the dead", devoted to the basic issues and necessary conditions of ritual washing of a body of the late Muslim.
Summing up the seminar, the participants actively asked questions on topics which interest them, discussed them and listened to answers of the lecturers. Muslim women thanked the Almighty for the given possibility of carrying out of the seminar and receiving useful knowledge, and prayed that He granted a chance to gather again for His content and strengthened sisterly bonds between them.
Staff reporter